“A sauna is a very simple thing. The simpler it is, the more you are likely to enjoy it and the better it will be for you.”

A few minutes a day is all it takes to look good and feel better. When you enter a Sauna the gentle and persistent heat increases your skin temperature, soaring your heart rate and thus pumping more blood and causing you to sweat. Saunas have multiple benefits but just to state a few-

Saunas improve overall health, wellness and performance.

The most widely discussed benefit of Sauna bathing is to help reduce Stress. The heat in the sauna helps us to relax and regulates the level of cortisol in our blood. Cortisol is the hormone that is released when we’re stressed. Medical studies often determine that stress in our daily lives can negatively affect our health. In fact, the vast majority of heart diseases may be related to stress also called Hyper-Tension. Heat bathing in a sauna provides stress relief in a number of ways. The Sauna provides us with a warm quiet space free from any outside distractions.

An A-Z Guide on Sauna’s- Part 3 The Health Benefits of Sauna

Flush out Toxins from your body and Detoxification.

Saunas flush out toxins via the sweating process. The high heat and low humidity inside a Sauna allows the bather to sweat without any/much discomfort.  Due to the excessive sweating in a Sauna our body releases a variety of toxins such as lead, copper, zinc, nickel, mercury and chemical – which are all toxins commonly absorbed just from interacting with our daily environments.


An A-Z Guide on Sauna’s- Part 3 The Health Benefits of Sauna

Sauna Cleanses the Skin 

Get that Glow with Sauna. It is a common practice among a lot of people to take steam within their homes for face cleansing. Imagine that for your entire body. When you enter into the Sauna the dramatic increase in the blood circulation gives your skin a healthy and fresh appearance.

Real Health Benefits of Sauna Baths

Sauna improves Brain health

A study conducted by Dr. Dr. Jari Laukkanen with more than 2,300 participants at the University of Eastern Finland revealed regular sauna use (4-7 times per week) at 176 degrees F for 19 minutes lowered the risk for both Alzheimer’s & Dementia.

How to Use a Sauna

Sauna reduces muscle soreness 

When we subscribe for a membership at a gym most of us see if the gym has the facility for a Sauna/Steam and Jacuzzi. It is like an add on for our subscription. Do you know the reason why most athletes prefer Saunas post their intense workout regimes and during off days, it is because during a sauna the blood vessels relax and dilate increasing the  blood flowing through the body which can reduce tension in the joints and relieve sore muscles and hence most athletes prefer Sauna post their intense workout regimes and during off days.

Guidelines & health benefits of Sauna Bath | Ayurveda Blog

Sauna helps you sleep better.

Under the high heat provided by a sauna, the body releases endorphins which can have a mild, enjoyable “tranquilizing effect”. This slow, relaxing decline in endorphins is key in facilitating sleep. Numerous sauna bathers worldwide recall the deep sleep experiences that they feel after bathing in the calming heat of a sauna.

Guidelines & health benefits of Sauna Bath | Ayurveda Blog

These are just some of the amazing benefits that are possible after a Sauna. They have numerous others which we haven’t mentioned.  Apart from just relaxing the body they also help in healing and recovering the body from numerous injuries and illnesses.